Friday 19 November 2010

Sitecore Treelist filtering

We have a treelist for selecting content to display as lists. The editor only needs to select the parent and not any of the children. Using the default source for a treelist to point to the containing folder you allow the editors to see all the children.

You could write a query like below to exclude or include the templates you require:
/sitecore/content/DisplayItems/descendant-or-self::*[@@templatename!='Template1' and @@templatename!='Template2' and @@templatename!='Template3']

This can be changed to use the following format which is easier to read and has more options.

Using this approach, there are several other parameters that you can set like:
  • IncludeTemplatesForSelection
  • ExcludeTemplatesForSelection
  • IncludeTemplatesForDisplay
  • ExcludeTemplatesForDisplay
There is more reading and options on this at LearnSitecore

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